Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Where do your priorities lie, and what is most important to you?

What is the Book of Mormon?

Many people have asked this question. Have you answered them?

Member Missionary Work

We shouldn't be afraid to share what we know.

We Are As One

We must bring all unto Christ, and to do that, we must be as one. Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

The Reason Behind Conversion

Just like rock climbing alone can be dangerous, living your life without the help of the Savior can have disastrous consequences.

Learning from Children

It is important to take many lessons from these children. We need to remember that the simple humility that they posses can teach the most important of lessons.

Faith as a Grain of Mustard Seed

If we have faith, we can overcome all challenges in life, and find the help that we truely need.

Give Thanks Daily

Each day when we look at what we are grateful for and give thanks to God and others, we develop happiness.

Fear Not What Man Can Do

How can you overcome the troubles of life, and fears we all have? By having an all powerful God on your side.

Member Missionary Work

How can you be a member missionary with little effort? Just show love. Serving our friends doesn't need to be imposing or bold, it only needs to be filled with love.

The Family is of God

Parents need to work together in faith to be able to raise their children to reach their full potential.

Raised by God

The power God raised Christ with, is the exact same power he raises us with, if we allow it.

Daily Change

An attitude of 'Choosing the Right' can make significant change in our daily lives and peace.

God Lifts Us Up

God wants us to think more positively in our lives, and enjoy better peace and happiness.

Open the Door

We're never closed off to Christ on his end of the door, but on ours. Opening the door to the Savior brings peace and joy like no other.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Luke 12:13-34

Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink...
... But rather seek ye the kingdom of God;
and all these things shall be added unto you. 

The book of Luke details an event where the Savior of the world teaches apostles and those gathered a parable about inheritance and worldly posession. He teaches of how we are not to seek for the worldly inheritance and riches, but to seek for the kingdom of God.

The important teaching here is to evaluate, really check and search within ourselfs and see as to whether what we are focused on is the right thing to do. It's hard sometimes to put God first in our lifes above family and friends, above work and leisure commitments, or even above church commitments. I know from experience that the joy that comes from thinking first of God before the others is unparallelled to any.

'Considering the lillies', as the Savior teaches, which are in the fields unable to care for themselves can teach us a valuable lesson. Nobody looks afterthem, yet they remain. God looks after them and has put procesess in nature by which they can be sustained. He has a great plan for them, and a great plan for us. When we seek His will and His plan in our lives, we will truely flourish.
Read the account and see the video depicting this teaching by clicking here.

The Savior of the world teaches us,
if we follow in God and His path
for us
we will not need to worry.
It requires pure faith and trust,
and the rest will be made up. 

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Thursday, 12 September 2013

What is the Book of Mormon?

What is the Book of Mormon?

"Whatever our age, capacity
Mormons believe the Book of Mormon
does not replace the Bible;
rather, they are companion works of scripture
that together teach about God and Jesus Christ."

As members of the Church we all know of the Book of Mormon and what it teaches. We would have gained testimony of it that lead to baptism in this church rather than an other. The power of the Book of Mormon is unprecedented to any other book. It holds authority that no other book does.

Preach My Gospel teaches that the Book of Mormon is the foundation of our testimony. It likens it to an arch, if the keystone is removed it crumbles. The Book of Mormon is our keystone of testimony. The truths taught within span our entire religion.

Millions are testifying of the Book of Mormon around the world. Are you one of them? Share a video on Facebook, or pass a free copy on to a friend through either the local missionaries or online.

An Apostle of the Lord teaches
how we all can remember
the testimony we have, and share it, 
of the Book of Mormon.

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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Member Missionary Work

Member Missionary Work

I've talked about it before, but I found something funny today about member missionary work.

Me and my companion were investigating into community service and I found a post card that made me laugh. I related it to member missionary work. Don't think mental health, think about talking to friends about the gospel.


As missionaries, we understand that it can be hard to talk to friends about the gospel. I would say - don't think about it as what we do on the streets. You aren't there to tell them about Joseph Smith receiving the priesthood on the Susquehanna river (unless they ask I suppose!). You want to aim at sharing with them when they're having a hard time with wayward kids about the youth programs in the church. Perhaps to speak about the spirit world when they grieve the loss of their loved ones. 

In whatever you do, remember that the best way to help someone understand the gospel is by making it part of everyday life and likening truth you know to questions they have. You don't have to be a doctrinal wizard, you merely need to testify of what the principle means to you and how it has changed your life.

Best of luck, try look for these opportunities this week :)

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About me!

My name is Glen Atkinson, I am from Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. I am serving as a missionary in the furthest south of the country. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and every day I try to uplift peoples lives a little at a time.

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