Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Reason Behind Conversion

D&C 88:22

For he who is not able to abide
the law of a celestial kingdom, 
cannot abide a celestial glory.


A new mormon message came out from a 2006 talk by Richard G Scott about rock climbing. He likens how some people go soloing, and it's very dangerous, versus people who go in groups or together with the right equipment, which is quite safe.

Just like rock climbing alone can be dangerous, living your life without the help of the Savior can have disastrous consequences. We all don't want to be 'that guy' who tells people that without the Savior they cannot truely be happy. They can be very happy people, you can indeed live your life just great without the Savior in it at all. I wasn't there, but I can safely say there were many happy and fulfilled people all throughout time in non-christian areas of the world, and will continue to be.

What is the truth though, is what we cannot see from our side of the veil. It is the fact that we cannot live in happiness for eternity without the Savior, Jesus Christ. His atonement ransomed us from sin, and his atonement allows us entrance to the Celestial Kingdom of God.

Dallin H Oaks put a very good point across which can be found in Preach My Gospel:
"We do not preach and teach in order to ‘bring people into the Church’ or to increase the membership of the Church. We do not preach and teach just to persuade people to live better lives. … We invite all to come unto Christ by repentance and baptism and confirmation in order to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the sons and daughters of God. No one else can do this"

Rock climbing alone 
can be dangerous,
when we go prepared, we can be safe. 
This is like salvation.
When we want to be safe, and
return to God, we need Christ.

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About me!

My name is Glen Atkinson, I am from Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. I am serving as a missionary in the furthest south of the country. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and every day I try to uplift peoples lives a little at a time.

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