Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Luke 12:13-34

Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink...
... But rather seek ye the kingdom of God;
and all these things shall be added unto you. 

The book of Luke details an event where the Savior of the world teaches apostles and those gathered a parable about inheritance and worldly posession. He teaches of how we are not to seek for the worldly inheritance and riches, but to seek for the kingdom of God.

The important teaching here is to evaluate, really check and search within ourselfs and see as to whether what we are focused on is the right thing to do. It's hard sometimes to put God first in our lifes above family and friends, above work and leisure commitments, or even above church commitments. I know from experience that the joy that comes from thinking first of God before the others is unparallelled to any.

'Considering the lillies', as the Savior teaches, which are in the fields unable to care for themselves can teach us a valuable lesson. Nobody looks afterthem, yet they remain. God looks after them and has put procesess in nature by which they can be sustained. He has a great plan for them, and a great plan for us. When we seek His will and His plan in our lives, we will truely flourish.
Read the account and see the video depicting this teaching by clicking here.

The Savior of the world teaches us,
if we follow in God and His path
for us
we will not need to worry.
It requires pure faith and trust,
and the rest will be made up. 

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About me!

My name is Glen Atkinson, I am from Harrogate, Yorkshire, England. I am serving as a missionary in the furthest south of the country. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and every day I try to uplift peoples lives a little at a time.

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